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Strumenti e sistemi per oceanografia idrografia monitoraggio ambientale geodesia acustica subacquea
Strumenti e sistemi per il posizionamento di mezzi navali da lavoro

Hydrophone Arrays
32-bit Ultra Low Noise

Example of hydrophone setup consisting of the buoy with additional meteorological sensors, floats, hydrophones, pressure-resistant electric compartment, hydrophones and anchor.

32-bit Ultra Low Noise Hydrophone Arrays

The General Acoustics hydrophone arrays are optimized for highly resolving underwater acoustic measurements in fixed or drifting applications.
Different hydrophones can be provided, covering very weak signals below sea state 0 up to very high sound pressures.
Due to their flexible features and tunability, our hydrophone arrays can be used in a wide range of applications ranging from environmental to technical measurements, for instance: detecting acoustic signatures of vessels, cavitation measurements, support of hydraulic engineering, monitoring the installation of dolphins, piles, etc. or overall acoustic monitoring or mammal detection.
Exemplary signal exhibiting captured acoustic spectra of marine mammals.
We tailor our systems according to the specific requirements of the customer and its demanding application. Systems can contain just one or up to 32 hydrophones, or even more on request.
The realization of large hydrophone networks is possible as well.
The hydrophone arrays are equipped with data acquisition (up to 32-bit) and data logging features to provide a complete and efficient measurement system. The data acquisition can be GPS/PPS-synchronized.
Numerous options regarding power supply, data transmission and logging, GPS, AIS AtoN, additional hydrological and meteorological sensors are available.
The hydrophone array can be delivered as a floating device or moored system on a buoy.
For more information please ask for our data sheet or contact us for finding the optimal hydrophone solution for your application.

Vasca di Test
General Acoustics Test Basin

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General Acoustics test basin, where we are also able to generate waves. With this we have an additional convenient possibility to test, optimize and validate our remote sensing systems. The basin will contribute to an even more efficient in-house research and development and customizing our systems to special customer requirements can now be conducted in application-oriented conditions. Our test basin has a length of 19.5 m at 4 m width and 2.8 m depth.
Being located only a few minutes away from our General Acoustics head quarter, it is utilized since then for a wide array of tasks:
- Ultrasonic and radar wave measurements
- Echo sounding and sub-bottom profiling measurements including nautical depth
- Hydrophone measurements
- Buoy stability tests
- AUV/ROV tests
- Flow measurements
- Sensor calibration
- Wave generation
Furthermore, we offer our customers and partners services regarding tests, calibration and validation measurements.

Un sonar side-scan professionale
a meno di 10k €

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logger subacqueo di assetto

compass image

software di navigazione ECS
carte nautiche ENC S57

ecdis image

orca image

Software di navigazione certificato IEC per PC Windows.
Sistema ECDIS OEM per mezzi navali, anche di piccole dimensioni
Carte nautiche S57 S63 S100

Dettagli e prove a richiesta.

draghe a fune

bucket dredge image
bucket dredge

Kit base:
- ricevitore GNSS RTK
- cavo di antenna 30 m
- software di posizionamento
- pc Windows touch-screen

€ 8.500 - iva già  inclusa
Radar Doppler

ga radar image

ga radar img

Sensore radar di correnti di superficie

hypack lidar
HYPACK + Sontek

General Acoustics
GA logo

Sub Bottom Profiler portatile con caratteristiche innovative di risoluzione e penetrazione dei sedimenti in basso e bassissimo fondale

subpro image
data-loggers miniaturizzati

data-loggers miniaturizzati - data-loggers subacquei
marcatori per fauna marina - biotelemetria acustica
Distributore ufficiale dei data-logger Star-Oddi pic
Nuovo !

telemetria di temperatura
per piccoli animali di laboratorio

Starmon Tilt
registratore subacqueo di assetto
con temperatura e profondità

starmon tilt image
DST CTD online
sensore di conducibilità

ctd online image
Starmon TD
registratore subacqueo
temperatura e profondità 

starmon td image